How do I share slides with Breve?
You can definitely share your slideshow with Breve - regardless of whether it's in Google Slides, Keynote or Powerpoint.
All you need to do is share your screen - don't worry, you can choose to only show your slides so that your audience can focus on them.
Once you're on the recording screen, choose "Set up" then "My screen" under "Screen layout":
Once you've done that, you'll see a prompt with some instructions on how to record your screen. Once you choose which window you want to share, your browser will automatically switch to that window. That means that in order to stop your Breve recording you'll need to click the "Stop sharing" button or switch back using Command+Tab on macOS or Ctrl+Tab on Windows.
When you click "Choose a window to record...", you'll see a selection popup. From there, pick "Window" and then choose the window you'd like to share.
You can then click "Present" in your tool of choice and you're ready to go. Enjoy sharing those slides!